Tuesday, October 9, 2007




When we talk legally of the cannabis, it means the leaf and the dried flowers from the cannabis sativa plant. The cannabis is one of the oldest and historically most important cultivated plant. It has been cultivated since at least 6 000 years. Particularly in China, during the age of rock, the hunters transition into cultivators took place in part because the people could grow cannabis and create a lot of useful products from this multi-usages plant.

From the marijuana stem come the hemp, a long and sturdy fiber used to make rope, fishing nets, clothing and famous long longevity paper. The Chinese, from the age of rock, have replaced their animal skin with clothing made with the hemp fiber. The clothing were developed from the manufacture of hemp fishing net with progressively finer meshes. The oldest known paper was made with hemp fiber. This paper was discovered in tombs in China in the the Shensi province; more than 2 100 years ago. The hemp paper was estimated for his longevity and his resistance to tearing. Some beautiful bibles, rare books and manuscripts, and certain money paper are still made with hemp fiber.

The leaves and the dried flowers are what constitutes the cannabis, but they were also used, with the roots, in the preparation of numerous medicine. The oldest book of pharmacology known (The PĂȘn-ts'ao Ching) writen 4 000 years ago in China, prescribed marijuana preparations for the treatment of malaria, beriberi, constipation, rheumatic pains and "feminine disturbances" (probably menstrual crampes). During millenniums, the doctors and healers in the entire world prescribed marijuana preparations for various disease until the 19th century when the cannabis began being replaced by the aspirin. A legal text from 1937 prohibited the cannabis, and put an end to the capacity for the doctors to prescribe cannabis for medical use in the USA.

The cannabis seeds were considered as food during several thousands of years, until it got replaced, 2 000 year ago, by the introduction of a new seed more pleasant to the taste. The cannabis seeds are still cultivated in Russia, in Chile, and in several other countries for the animals and the birds, and principally for seed oil. When it's pressed from the seed, the cannabis oil is similar to the linen seed oil, and can be used for fuel and lubrication, and in the manufacture of paints and varnishes.

Mostly naturally, a such useful plant gotten transported from his native asia to the entire civilised world. The cultivated cannabis deployed itself quickly towards the west, and during the time of the romans it was cultivated in almost all the europeans countries. The europeans also cultivated the marijuana for medicine, but principally for the hemp fiber to make rope, clothing, and paper. In west Asia and in west Africa, cannabis was preferred from the hemp, it was smoked ritually and for fun.

In 1632, when the England pilgrim went to the USA, they brought hemp seeds to make ropes and clothes. The hemps fiber were so important for british navy, for the boat rigging, that the settlers were paid to plant hemps; in certain states, fines were given to settlers that did not want to cultivate them. During the civil war, the hemp industries went up so high that the cotton was only ahead of the hemp in south farming industries.

The cannabis now grow all across the world, from the artic circle to the equator, and from the level of sea to more then 2 200 meters up in the Himalayas. In fact, it's the most widely distributed cultivated plant. A fact that testifies the tenacity and adaptability of the plant as well as the usefulness, his multi-usage, and the economic worth of it.

Compared to a lot of cultivated plants, Cannabis never lost his capacity to survive without the human assistance. Each time the ecological condition allow it, the cannabis will escape culture and establish wild population just like bad herbs. Wild cannabis still blooms all across the United-States, except in the arid and mountainous regions to the west and south east.

A such adaptable plant, when it is brought to a wide environment type, and reproduced and cultivated for products coming from the stem, the seeds, or coming from the leaves and flowers, evolves in a comprehensive way in many distinctive ecosystem and cultivated varieties. These varieties difference, adapted to the local growth conditions, suit particularly to their desired use. Consequently, there is an unbelievable number of varieties in this simple type of cannabis sativa.

The hemp varieties with long fibers come from long straight plants. The seeds variety can either produce a great quantity of seeds on a scrubby plant, or have seeds very rich in oil. The wild plant are sturdy, can live with little water or nutritive, and develop small seeds that germinate only under good conditions. The most important thing to know for the reader of this article is the wide range of varieties, that vary in their size and their total productivity, in their seeds and flowers color, when they bloom, in their tastes and their odors, and above all, in their powers.

For the biggest part, the power (how much the cannabis is strong or psychoactive) is a genetic factor. The power of a plant is inherited from his mother (the carrier of seeds) and his father (the pollen producer). The cultivator should plant seeds of marijuana that they smoked earlier and liked, because the cannabis coming from these seeds will be similar in power to the inherited power from his parents. The objective of the marijuana cultivator is to choose seeds from a powerful herb and feed the plants to a full and sturdy maturity. The nature and the plant will take care of the rest.

Thank you for reading this article.


1 comment:

how to grow weed said...

such a sick blog, i bookmarked